To be completely honest, I never really thought I would be the married with kid’s type. When I look at my life now, I am still in awe. I would have never guessed that I would be a mother and embarking on a venture to own her own business, a mom based business at that. I kind of always saw myself as a career woman. I was never really a “baby person” and wasn’t really sure if kids were in my future. But I guess life, and God, had other plans for me. I initially met my husband in high school but after years apart and many life experiences later… we got back together and got hitched! After two years of marriage, our lives would be forever changed. We got pregnant with my wonderful son, Dominic. Life would never be the same. I had never been so in love. My life had new meaning. I felt as if I had instantly become the person I was always meant to be but never knew I wanted to be. Being a mom brings me such joy and such an inner peace that is hard to explain. The moment I held my son, I knew there was no returning to my former self. I was forever changed, forever enhanced. My life was no longer just my own. And being a new mom meant finding the best baby products for my son.I truly believe in Mom 4 Life and what it stands for. We as moms know what’s best for our children. That is why MOM inventors are the best. Let’s be real…being a mom can be challenging at times and if there are products out there to make our lives easier, I will find them and bring them to your doorstep! In the fall of 2014, I welcomed another son, Emory, into this world and so the hunt for amazing products continues. I love reading all of the stories behind the products we offer and I encourage you to read their stories. It is truly amazing what mothers can accomplish. I am proud that Mom 4 Life's extensive product line is comprised entirely of the handiwork of moms with brands like New Native, Gownies, Bella Band and Wubbanub. I will strive to continue the amazing product selection, customer service and exceptional pricing that Mom 4 Life is known for. Please contact me by chat, email or letter. I am always eager to talk to you regarding any comments, questions or concerns. I do not know what the future holds (hopefully more kiddos) but I do know that I will do my best to provide a place where moms can find unique products at a great price. My goal is for this to be a place where everyone is family and all moms can get a sense of pride and encouragement because being a mom is truly a journey….gear up!